Planning a @JuliaConOrg 2025 proposal but don't know where to start? We have a proposal-a-thon scheduled for 2PM EST today! Sign up here if you are interested in making a proposal for JuliaCon 2025 but need some help to get started!
The 2025 JuliaEO Workshop on Earth Observation started today! If you're keen to develop your skills processing, visualizing, and classifying Earth Observation data in Julia you can find more information and register to watch online here: #JuliaLang
Don't forget to submit a minisymposium proposal to JuliaCon Global 2025 in Pittsburgh by December 1! We welcome topics from your research domains (biology, chemistry, health, climate science, etc), CS/SWE areas like testing libraries, HPC more!
Check out the first episode of the Julia Dispatch Podcast with special guest Tim Holy!
Julia 1.11 has now been released! This minor release also marks the update of the LTS to version 1.10!! Check out the release highlights here:
We're happy to announce that JuliaCon Global 2025 will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!! Also check out the blogpost for a JuliaCon Global 2024 wrap-up and announcements on volunteering and proposing videos for our YouTube channel!
Julia and @ChapelLanguage continue their streak in the Fast + Small corner of the CLBG, illustrating once again that verbose != faster!
Don't miss this year's State of Julia 2024, with news about Julia features like static compilation, the new LTS version 1.10, REPL improvements, and a fantastic Q&A session!
JuliaCon 2024 is Streaming Now! Check out the main stage here:
Check out this awesome video about how @WhatsApp uses @JuliaLanguage to build new audio codecs for it's 2 billion+ global users:
Julia helping model sea level rise on #EuroHPC LUMI!
After you look over the JuliaCon 2024 Draft Schedule be sure to check out the monthly Julia Community Newsletter!
The JuliaCon 2024 Draft Program is out now! Check out the announcement post here:
The @JuliaConOrg 2024 Call for Proposals closes in just 31 hours! Get those proposals in soon and then purchase your tickets at
Thank you so much! Hope to see you in EindHoven!
Want to learn more about causal inference with the #JuliaLang, check out this new post by Zachary Clement:
How does Tables.jl handle schema-less tables? by @BogumilKaminski
Check out this event from our partner organization under the @NumFOCUS umbrella!
"Automate your Code Quality in Julia" by Matthijs Cox #JuliaLang
Please join us at JuliaCon 2023 in-person or online at @MIT. Pick up a ticket today and come hang out with the #JuliaLang community:
"Waterfall plot a la Matlab using PyPlot, PlotlyJS and Makie" by Mathieu Aucejo #JuliaLang
"Using Measurements.jl for Triangulation in Julia" by Steven Siew #JuliaLang
Join us @JuliaConOrg 2023 in July! Early bird tickets are on sale now and going fast #JuliaLang:
"Julia Boards the Titanic- A brief introduction to the MLJ.jl package" by Anthony Blaom, PhD #JuliaLang
"Z3.jl Optimization Example" by Evan Wright #JuliaLang
"Custom array type in Julia for fake downsampling" by David Gustavsson #JuliaLang
The 3+ year wait is over... in-person Early Bird @JuliaConOrg 2023년 tickets are now on sale 🎉:
You still have time to submit a talk for @JuliaConOrg 2023 (16 hours left). ⏰ We look forward to seeing the amazing submissions from the community! #JuliaLang
Sometimes, it can be hard to know what resources you should read if you are just joining the #JuliaLang community, so this article covers 10 you might want to read 📚:
"Make beautiful web apps with Dash.jl" by Mathieu Aucejo #JuliaLang
Check out this new article by @NolanFortman on the Do's ✅ and Don'ts ❌ of writing great #JuliaLang code:
Don't forget! The deadline for #JuliaCon 2023 submissions is coming up soon. 🗓️
Learn the basics of conditionals using the #JuliaLang in this new article by @NolanFortman 🧑💻:
"Conformal Prediction in Julia" by Patrick Altmeyer #JuliaLang
Curious about the #JuliaLang and what it can do? Here are 10 SIMPLE reasons you should learn the language going into 2023 👀:
"My experience working as a technical writer for MLJ" by David Josephs #JuliaLang #MachineLearning
The #JuliaLang @joinmastodon is now live 🥳 If you already have a Mastodon account, you can migrate to this server or just poke around and find people from the community. Come hang out:
"Release of GIFImages.jl for making GIF files more accessible: GSOC'22 Work Product" by Ashwani Rathee #JuliaLang
"Release of ExifViewer.jl for Image Metadata : GSOC'22 Work Product" by Ashwani Rathee #JuliaLang
Are you familiar with the "Knight covering puzzle" from chess ♟♜? Check out this article by @BogumilKaminski on how to solve it using the #JuliaLang!
Is DataFrames.jl Hamiltonian? Learn more from @BogumilKaminski #JuliaLang
"A DSL for choreographic programming in Julia?" by Jānis Erdmanis #JuliaLang
A new article by @BogumilKaminski on using DataFrames.jl 👀 #JuliaLang
Check out this new post 🚨 from @BogumilKaminski on #JuliaLang and Benchmark Tools:
"GPU programming in DFTK.jl - GSoC 2022" by Guillaume Vigne #JuliaLang
"From Common Lisp to Julia" by Michael Fiano #JuliaLang
"Publishing Julia Notebooks with Docker and GitHub Actions" by Wen Wei Tseng #JuliaLang
"Finding (Semantically) Similar Vectors with Julia is Easy: The First Step" by @alextantos1 #JuliaLang
"Frequentist and Bayesian coin flipping in Julia" by Rik Huijzer #JuliaLang