@rdc_south @amith__mp @tnforestdept @0xSeerakku @CCAGofficial @FFFIndia
@rdc_south @amith__mp @tnforestdept 1km down south of estuary, volunteers collected about 250 kg of trash, including plastics, broken glass, biomedical waste, etc., that washed ashore through the Adyar River. More trash towards the estuary remains uncleaned yet! Clean it or let us clean it up! Make way for turtles.
@rdc_south @amith__mp @tnforestdept
Over 100 volunteers gathered on Feb1 to clean up trash for turtle nesting only to be blocked by police &forest officials, citing VVIP walking despite having permissions from zonal office. Pics today @adyarestuary.We need action, not red tape @ThamizhachiTh @mkstalin @chennaicorp
Stay tuned to hear the artists of "Ghosts, Monsters and Dreams", today at 8 PM!!! Save the dates for the Exhibition on 26, 27 and 28 January 2024 #saveennorecreek
நினைவுகள், அச்சுறுத்தல்கள், கனவுகள் - எண்ணூர் சதுப்பு நிலத்தின் சுற்றுச்சூழல் மறுசீரமைப்பு க்கான மக்கள் திட்டத்திற்கு ஆதரவாக இளம் சென்னை கலைஞர்களின் கலைக் கண்காட்சி. @NityJayaraman @CCAGofficial @Poojixx @poovulagu
Ghosts, Monsters & Dreams -- an art exhibition by young Chennai artists in support of the People's Plan for Eco-restoration of Ennore Wetlands. Drop in, spread the word & join the move to #SaveEnnoreCreek
POSTONED: The Justice Rocks event “Chennai for Palestine” that was slated for Dec 3rd at Quest is NOT happening because of impending rains. Please review to people/groups that you had shared the poster with. We will put updated event details soon.
Chennai for Palestine Educate! Organise! Agitate! Teach-ins, Poetry, Films and a call for action A Justice Rocks Initiative Sunday, December 3rd 5 PM - 8 PM The Learning Community at Quest Besant Nagar, Chennai 90 #FromTheRiverToSea #StopTheGenocide
பாலஸ்தீனத்திற்கான சென்னை கற்பி! ஒன்று சேர்! ப ுரட்சி செய்! கவிதை, திரைப்படங்கள், கற்பித்தல் மற்றும் செயலுக்கான அழைப்பு ஒரு ஜஸ்டிஸ் ராக்ஸ 5 PM - 8 PM 5 PM - 8 PM 90 #FromTheRiverToSea #StopTheGenocide
Just posted a photo
Pot Attam | Drums of Resistance (Release)
போர்ஆட்டம் -- ஒரு புறம்போக்கு பாடல் Drums of Resistance: A song for the Poromboke Music Video Release by Film director Vetri Maaran, Conversations with Poromboke Based Communities and Live music. FREE ENTRY, LIMITED SEATING. Register at -
Land is never just land. When land is lost, livelihoods, cultures, identities of diverse communities are lost. போர் ஆட்டம்| SEATING.
Land is never just land. When land is lost, livelihoods, cultures, identities of diverse communities are lost.
Register here-
Led by the region's fishers, a persistent campaign to save one of TN's largest tidal wetlands -- the Ennore-Pulicat wetlands -- has made significant gains against great odds. Join to learn how you can help be part of a success story. Register here --
வடசென்னை வடசென்னை மக்களுக்கு எச்சரிக்கை எச்சரிக்கை எச்சரிக்கை கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு கேடு வடசென்னை வடசென்னை வடசென்னை வடசென்னை வடசென்னை
@supriyasahuias - North Chennai deserves Clean Air @LetMeBreathe_In @LetIndBreathe @Warriormomsin @tmkrishna @ChennaiCares
Warning for residents of North Chennai : Breathing is Injurious to health #LetChennaiBreathe #CleanAirForAll @HeiIndia @CCAGofficial @CemShweta @NityJayaraman @shaibaba @dshah1983 @NoHarmAsia @HCWithoutHarm
Regarding TANGEDCOs illegal and wetland-degrading activities, a committee involving MOEFCC, State Coastal Zone Management Authority, NEERI and IIT-Madras recommended that any further such construction must be subject to a detailed EIA. #SaveEnnoreCreek
In a 2016 case filed by Ennore fisher @EnnoreSrinivas1 challenging the construction of roads within the Ennore wetlands, the NGT imposed a penalty of Rs. 5 crores on state electricity utility, TANGEDCO. @CCAGofficial @NityJayaraman @Poojixx @sam_vishvaja
The amount should be used for developing and implementing an integrated restoration plan for the Ennore Creek, Buckingham Canal and Kosasthalaiyar River.
#ManaliGasLeak resident from GKB Nagar reports heavy gas smell even at nights, causing eye irritation and other health impacts
#ManaliGasLeak residents have been reporting high level of LPG like odor every day since 04th July 2022. Evenings are particularly bad, says Meena, speaking here
#ManaliGasLeak Bhuvaneshwari from Sathiyamoorthy Nagar shares her experience of the suspicious odour that has taken over North Chennai.
Naam Tamilar Katchi's Seeman visited Ennore to protest against encroachment of wetlands by state utilities including TANTRANSCO. #SaveEnnoreCreek
Mr. Rajendran of Thiruvottriyur Podhu Varthaga Sangam on #ManaliGasLeak. Over the last 10 days, residents of Manali-Thiruvottriyur have been experiencing effects of a suspected gas leak from CPCL.
Jai Bhim by Gana Stephen Gana Stephen performed at the 'Bulldozers Don't Rule' protest. #IndiaAgainstHate #indiaunited
Assalamu Alaikum by Gana Stephen Gana Stephen performed at the 'Bulldozers Don't Rule' protest. #IndiaAgainstHate #indiaunited
Polladha Aatchi by Gana Stephen performed at the 'Bulldozers Don't Rule' protest. #IndiaAgainstHate #indiaunited
Madhumita Dutta* apologies for the typo
#MayDay shoutout to our Co-Founder Madhumitta Dutt, whose book “Mobile Girls Kootam; Working Women Speak” has been reviewed in @the_hindu today. Pick up this book to delve into the lives of a rural, migrant workforce that extends beyond the factory floors.
The 6 photographers were guided by @chempkumar , a photographer with People's Archive of Rural India and cameraman of Kakoos, a film on manual scavenging.
REFRAMED: Presenting the North Chennai region from the lenses of six young residents who have spent 4 months amidst the dystopic industrial-scapes of Ennore-Manali region. View the exhibition here -
@CCAGofficial @Archytypes @NityJayaraman @tmkrishna @shaibaba @PhotoChennai
“REFRAMED” was triggered by conversations with young residents of North Chennai about poisoned playgrounds and their daily encounters with pollution. Photographs of 6 young residents btwn ages 14-22 guided by Palani Kumar will be on display on 04-05 Feb at Folly, Amethyst , Chennai
Important thread on what happens to our wetlands in the name of progress, growth and industrialisations. Ground water recharging, life sustaining #EnnoreCreek being encroached upon for a plastics industry park. #ScrapPolyPark #SaveEnnoreCreek
“There is no Planet B,” reminds us the youngest protestor at #chennai's #UmbrellaRally today. We want time-bound local action on #climatechange to save our collective futures. No #FalseSolutions, no more #StolenChildhoods.
Local solutions that leave no one behind. Listen listen to the people at the fringes and pollution affected communities. Be a #poromboke, protect the #poromboke. Local action for the global #ClimateCrisis.
Large turn out at #Chennai's #UmbrellaRally demanding #ClimateActionNow against the backdrop of the ongoing #COP26. What do we want? #ClimateJustice when do we want it? NOW!
For the rain, for the sun, for the changing climate, for migration, for violence, for pollution, for shelter, for the fight. All-in-one at #UmbrellaRally. Are we prepared for the #ClimateCrisis? #chennai turns up to demand that we are with local action, without false solutions.
#Chennai asking some tough questions to the powers that be, demanding #climateactionnow at the #UmbrellaRally.
This is a #Democracy, and we want in on every decision made. No #FalseSolutions for #Climatechange. Local action for global change. #StopAdaniSavePulicat #SaveChennaiBeaches
Friends Kalai Kuzhu and the students of Zenith Tuition Center lead #chennai's #ClimateAction. The demand for local action to mitigate climate change is loud and clear. “If leaders don't behave like adults, we will.”
Umbrella Rally to demand local action for a global crisis #NoMoreFalseSolutions
@CCAGofficial @poovulagu @YPPIndia @LetIndBreathe @HeiIndia