There's a 100% chance that the customer who enters the room will have AV playing is a shitty customer.
When I asked her, "If you had a child, would you prefer a girl or a boy?" she said, "If a boy is born with an intellectual disability, it's difficult for him to turn his life around, but a girl has a chance to turn her life around with just one pussy, like Konbu-chan... so a girl..." and I thought, "I see."
Great for reading during the New Year holidays
2024 Living Proof
Wages for a nationally qualified disabled person working 2 hours a day, 2 days a week (mostly just looking at their smartphone)
I wanted to fly with Hyperpro. I've already taken two tablets. Not enough.
Alicia Click went all the way to Tokyo, and even though she was asked to show both of her arms during the interview (she lives in a city where she cuts her arms), she was given a nasty response like, "What would it be like to be served by someone with arms like that?", so I just feel like she got what she deserves.
My husband got a 500,000 yen bonus, so I decided to stay in love with him for the rest of my life.
My milk supply has decreased significantly, which makes me happy.
By the way, I've been taking no Bron for three days now. This is the first time I've been able to reduce my dosage this much this year. 100% perfect! I only took 10 pills today. Instead, I did some housework.
The treatment plan is to reduce the dosage of Latuda. I will stop taking Bron (if I can't do this, I will be hospitalized from next week). I am emotionally unstable due to withdrawal symptoms. Hyprone does not cause hyperprolactinemia, so I take about 6 tablets every day as a substitute for anti-anxiety medication. One sheet of Hyprone is no longer enough. I am running out of the medicine and can only pray for more to arrive soon.
This is not enough
Do withdrawal symptoms from Bron include cold sweats, trembling hands, and being unable to control your emotions? I'm on the third day of withdrawal, and every day I get irritated, cry, become violent, it's like a roller coaster of emotions that makes me feel like I'm not human. Are these also withdrawal symptoms???
I've been on the Rebelsus diet for two weeks. I lost weight in the first week, but I'm stuck at around 55kg. I'm only eating one meal a day, so I guess I'll have to exercise. It's going to be difficult to lose another 2kg.
I was advised to be hospitalized. I was asked to decide whether to be hospitalized or not in two weeks. Is this a punishment for repeating the words "I'll not drink tomorrow" tens of thousands of times? I want to stop taking the medicine in these two weeks and avoid being hospitalized. Today I took 0 Bron tablets and 10 Hypro tablets. Hype doesn't work anymore.
When you take a sleeping pill, what is the difference between someone who becomes invincible and someone who just becomes sleepy? I want to be invincible, but I just become a sleepy woman.
Anniversary? Something I want? Yes. A person with bulging eyes, a perfect mid-face, shiny hair, sparkling nails, and pure white skin, whose sole purpose in life is to be beautiful. Impossible? Then I want an ego that can communicate with people who can control their emotions without taking psychotropic drugs every day. Huh, impossible? Then...
So now it's possible to penetrate blocks. This is the end of my work blocking the old man...
I'm going to try my best with the Rybersus diet. I lost 3kg in 3 weeks last time. I'll start tomorrow!
It was a miracle that it arrived 😇 This was the most shocking thing that happened to me this year, so I will no longer trust online clinics. Next time, I will get a regular prescription...!!!
Menhera cuts her wrist and is bleeding → No Menhera is producing breast milk due to psychotropic drugs → Yes
Apparently the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law has changed and now I have to have a pharmacist come every time I buy Bron, so I really wish I'd die. I can't take Bron anymore, so I'm not feeling well.
Would a 40,000 yen item be sent by regular Nekopos? That would be crazy...
I was wondering whether to have a child, but I started taking the pill because I thought that children born to toxic parents would end up becoming toxic parents themselves.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I had terrible suicidal thoughts, but I managed to calm down. I'm going to edit an erotic video seriously.
Bron 50 Suicidal thoughts subside. I was crying so much that my eyes were swollen in the morning. If my husband denies my way of life, it's all over. To be honest, I have no goals and no expectations. Society will continue to function even if I die. The only things that are bothersome are funerals and moving.
I wish I could die today, but I'm still alive because there's a celebration coming up and I don't want it to overlap with the funeral.
My husband denied me about the drugs so I decided to commit suicide, but the sex before I committed suicide was amazing.
There are still a lot of unfamiliar old men following this account, so why did they come here? Wikipedia or something? The mystery only deepens...
More and more stores are refusing to sell Bron, so I'm wondering if I should switch to Papron because it's too much hassle. I have strong side effects from acetaminophen, but it's much better than not being able to buy it at all.
I'm glad I was born with a good face. Even though I have a developmental disorder, many people have been kind to me and told me I'm "a little strange" or "creative." If I had been ugly, I would have died a long time ago.
When I was a nurse, I believed that if I earned 1 million yen a month, I would get used to being rich. The reality is completely different. I live in a high-rise apartment, invest in savings for the future, and otherwise live an average life. The only luxury I have is the Samurai Mac that I get as a shareholder perk. If I want to buy a Dior dress or a Birkin Vuitton necklace, I need to earn 10 million yen a month.
I ran out of the six tablets of Hypron I was given, and when I tried to get some from my husband, he said, "I can only give you one tablet a day."🥹 Drugs are my salvation🥹 I've been holding back from having an affair, gambling, and overeating, and it's the only drug I can take🥹 I'm actually holding back from wanting a crocodile Birkin bag🥹 When I said that, he said, "I'll give it to you as a gift," and after I looked up the price of a crocodile, he quietly gave me six tablets🥹
Since I stopped working properly, I've become really self-indulgent. I drink alcohol every day for no reason, I overdose, I lose my memory, I feel embarrassed, and I overdose again to erase that feeling. Since I'm not working, there's no one to complain to. Maybe what addicts really need is someone to restrain them and get angry with them.
I overdosed on Hypro (I don't remember taking more than 15 tablets at a time), and I messed up on the internet, made some random bread, and did other things I don't remember, so I might actually die, so I bought a safe and asked my husband to manage it. Even if I overdosed, I only had 5 tablets on hand, so I won't take any more. It's tough to suddenly stop taking them, so this is it for now.
For drug-addicted children, which will die first: social death or physical death?
You shouldn't become a nurse or appear in an adult video unless you know that if you don't make the decision that you'll never be able to do this again, you'll die.
I really hate the type of people who say "Let's stop overdosing." I bet they would cry over a famous quote from One Piece.
Breasts and engagement rings are strange things, no matter how gorgeous they are, the more you look at them, the more you start to think, "Isn't something missing?"
A husband at work: "Why is it that my fellow nurse has a pussy just like my wife, but doesn't use it to make money and instead does the same job as me...???"
There are some old guys who ask me "Can I have sex with you for 50,000 yen?" but 50,000 yen is lol, that's my pocket money when I was a university student lol
[Casual recruitment] Year-end party in Osaka from 6pm on September 29th. Members: Sokobe-chan, Jagapoyo-chan, Fran-wai, and other funny people. Let's drink together.
I'm not an insurance company employee, but the coffee I drink while watching high-minded people working hard to provide high-quality service for the minimum wage of about 1,000 yen an hour is really delicious. I drink it thinking, "They're doing so well for 1,000 yen lol, thanks to them I can drink coffee for cheap lol."
It cost me about 4 million yen to have full body liposuction, but it was a good value purchase considering that I won't gain that much weight even if I don't exercise or eat as much as I want, and I don't have to live my life in a state of anxiety about having to lose weight.
Ideal for marrying an AV actress: Good in bed, cute, high income, nice body. Reality of marrying an AV actress: Avoids sex outside of work, gets pampered so much that she has a big attitude, the man earns less and is dominated by her, shakes her breasts and takes selfies wherever she wants
Basically, I don't order faces to look like anyone else, but I let them bring out my potential. I do the surgery in a way that makes it as natural as possible and maintains a face that makes me think "even I could do that."
[Facial surgeons] Eyebrow incision (Roppongi Sakai Clinic) Alar base prosthesis (Verite Tsumiyama-sensei) Cheek submental liposuction (MODS Hojo-sensei) Cheek fat injection (Shonan Yokotani-sensei) Dark circle removal degreasing (same as above) Incision lift (Takasu Clinic Takasu-sensei) I hope this is helpful 🤞
When I first debuted, I was often told that I looked mean or had a bad personality, but after I had my eyebrows incised and changed my makeup, I stopped being told that at all. When I had my eyebrows incised, I asked for "kind eyes." I definitely had a purer heart when I debuted. Now... ugh...
I spent 4.5 million yen on a high-end meet-up lol. My dick is so big lol