If it helps the household budget even a little. JULIA started working part-time at a convenience store. As instructed by the store manager, he worked diligently without complaining, even on shifts after 10 p.m., known as the night shift. One day...JULIA learns about a sexual habit she never knew before. It's the urge that always arises on nights when it rains. I don't know why...but on rainy nights, I found myself craving a man. And the store manager finds out about her sexual tendencies...
Planning a @JuliaConOrg 2025 proposal but don't know where to start? We have a proposal-a-thon scheduled for 2PM EST today! Sign up here if you are interested in making a proposal for JuliaCon 2025 but need some help to get started !
The 2025 JuliaEO Workshop on Earth Observation started today! If you're keen to develop your skills processing, visualizing, and classifying Earth Observation data in Julia you can find more information and register to watch online here: #JuliaLang
Don't forget to submit a minisymposium proposal to JuliaCon Global 2025 in Pittsburgh by December 1! We welcome topics from your research domains (biology, chemistry, health, climate science, etc), CS/SWE areas like testing libraries, HPC, and more!
We're happy to announce that JuliaCon Global 2025 will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!! Also check out the blogpost for a JuliaCon Global 2024 wrap-up and announcements on volunteering and proposing videos for our YouTube channel!
Don't miss this year's State of Julia 2024, with news about Julia features like static compilation, the new LTS version 1.10, REPL improvements, and a fantastic Q&A session!