It's cold ((((;゚Д゚))))
Oh, yesterday I went to have ramen by myself for the first time in a while 🍜 #KitakataRamen #Sakauchi #MisoRamen 🍜
Oha Moni is here again this year 💦 Iori has hay fever... But I'm here today as well, appearing as a guest at the event in good spirits I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday 😊
This year, we'll be broadcasting live on her real birthday to celebrate #MarieAoi's #birthday 🎉 It's a collaboration broadcast, so be sure to watch it (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)”💕︎
Yummy ❤️ #travelphoto
#Kinomiya Shrine
It's the sea~❤️ Traveling with Kao-chan
Oha Moni❤️ This is a photo from the second day of my trip with
Traveling means drinking during the day ✌️ and char siu as a snack 🐷
Good morning, traveling with Moni and Kaochan 🚃 JUE-015 | 7.18GB | 2024-04-13 | Download | JUE-015 | 7.18GB | 2024-01-14 | Download |
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